Time For A Change

What’s done is done and this cannot be fixed.
Too much hurt and emotions are mixed
into this fight and feeling of pain,
No matter if you’re sorry, my trust you won’t regain!
One time in my life, I never thought you would
you only proved me wrong, by the things you could
do that I thought you never could do
but I was in love and just a young fool.
I gave you everything I had to give,
you returned the favor by letting me live
with you while you’re gone away and untrue
my heart hurt so bad, I didn’t know what to do.
My life I wanted to take and just end it all,
but you would change all with one call.
I love you, I’m sorry, it’s nothing…

after I found a half-naked picture of a woman’s ass he sent to another girl saying best tattoo ever.


Tired, So, Tired

The pills you see make me sleep
I like to sleep so I don’t have to feel
I can put away all that shit and dream
about shit, I don’t want to dream about either.
Why does it seem like everything is against me?
Like it doesn’t matter I’m here for nothing,
but slavery, yes, I said! Slavery.
I am nothing more than that.
I do everything and I’m tired!
No one seems to give me anything in return.
Material things mean nothing, plus I have none.

Lover, Writer, Unique Creature

I’m a writer by heart
and a lover, by nature.
Don’t get me wrong,
I’m a unique creature.
By the time that they see,
It’ll be too late,
For at the end of the day,
It’ll just be my fate!
No one knows what,
and neither do I
For what will come
will be just for my
lover to see me for me
a lover and friend so that’s what I am.
I couldn’t have dreamed or made it up
just remember the time you were my man!